Op deze pagina nog even op een rijtje hoe we jouw kerntalenten in kaart gaan brengen.
Graag uiterlijk twee dagen voor onze afspraak invullen.
De vragenlijst begint met een open veld waarin je mag beschrijven wat je als kind graag deed of waar je graag mee speelde. Op de pagina’s daarna staan verschillende soorten speelgoed en activiteiten, je vult op een schaal van 0 - 100 in hoe graag je iets als kind deed.
Tips bij het invullen:
Dingen die je het allerliefste deed: 100
Dingen die je supergraag / héél erg graag / écht graag deed: tussen 75-99
Dingen die je redelijk graag / gewoon graag deed: tussen 51-74
Dingen die je niet met en niet tegen je zin / niet zo graag deed: tussen 34-50
Dingen die je niet graag / liever niet / met tegenzin deed: tussen 1-33
Dingen die je nooit hebt gedaan of waar je een hekel aan had: 0
Op basis van de vragenlijst gaan we in gesprek over jouw kinderspel tussen ongeveer 4 en 12 jaar. Ik vraag door om alle nuances er uit te halen en juist te interpreteren. Ik ben benieuwd naar wie jij bent en wie je was. Wees jezelf, ik heb geen oordeel over hoe jij speelde, alles is welkom. Als ik voldoende informatie heb (gemiddeld na zo'n 1.5 uur ) ronden we af.
Face to face of online vertel ik je alles over jouw unieke combinatie van kerntalenten. Waar krijg jij energie van? Hoe werken de kerntalenten op elkaar in en wat betekent dat voor jou? We nemen 1 a 1,5 uur de tijd voor dit gesprek.
Binnen twee weken na de terugkoppeling ontvang je een uitgebreid verslag met jouw kerntalenten en specifieke combinaties. Uitleg over jouw kerntalenten constellatie in relatie tot o.a. burn-out, bore-out, perfectionisme, creativiteit en leiderschap. 25 - 35 pagina's.
Je ontvangt ook een factuur voor de kerntalentenanalyse.
Als je het verslag ontvangen hebt en even de tijd genomen hebt om het te lezen plannen we een telefonisch of online nagesprek van maximaal een uur. Daarin kan je vragen stellen of een actueel vraagstuk verkennen vanuit het perspectief van jouw kerntalenten.
Jij kiest hoeveel tijd je nodig hebt, dit kan tot 6 maanden na je analyse.
Link voor de online analyse: www.whereby.com/kerntalentenanalist
Ik maak gebruik van de ruimtes van Home of Zen, Velperweg 95, 6824 HH Arnhem.
In dit mooie, rustige pand wordt van ons verwacht dat we binnen onze schoenen uitdoen en stil zijn op de gang. Er is parkeergelegenheid op eigen terrein. Gratis parkeren kan ook aan de Velperweg of de directe zijstraten. De dichtstbijzijnde treinstations zijn Velperpoort en Presikhaaf. De dichtstbijzijnde bushalte is Raapopseweg, hier stoppen verschillende lijnen.
Als je onderweg vragen hebt hoor ik het graag.
mail: manja@kerntalentenanalist.nl | whatsapp: 06-81578983
"Where can I leave a review? I wish everyone could have a Manja in their life :)"
What has the coretalents analysis brought you? And how did you experience the analysis with me?
Your feedback is incredibly helpful. Thank you for that!
Warm regards,
Manja Eland
Say yes to the coretalents analysis journey with Manja 😊.
Judgment-free, pure, honest, enlightening, creative—these are the first words that come to mind based on my experience with the coretalents analysis journey led by Manja.
Her website and service offerings appealed to me, and the online introductory meeting was the deciding factor for me to have my coretalents analysis done by Manja. I am grateful for this journey with her. Manja has provided me with valuable insights stemming from the analysis and the topics that emerged from our discussions.
A safe environment is important to me, and that is definitely present with Manja. She exudes calmness and reliability. I experienced pleasant, equal conversations with her, marked by attention during our meetings and in our email communication and accompanying reports. She holds up a mirror in a relaxed manner. Manja possesses extensive relevant knowledge and life experience that adds value to the process of (re)discovering your coretalents.
This positively constructive journey feels like a rewarding experience. It has made a valuable contribution to my self-confidence and my exploration of a new career path. @Manja, thank you! It has been a pleasure to collaborate with you.
Mandy, NL
What do I want to become later? I asked myself this question regularly, even though I haven't been a newcomer to the job market for a long time. Where do you even begin to find the answer? That's how I ended up with Manja. Through a questionnaire and an in-depth interview, we went back to my childhood: what did I do then, what made me happy? It was already enjoyable to reminisce, like “oh yes, playing library with my parents’ bookshelf” or “making a sewing machine from a block of wood and a nail” (I just couldn’t get it to work, unfortunately).
Manja then translated those experiences to the here and now. This wasn’t just a list of potential jobs, but a deeper understanding of my strong coretalents and those that are less energizing. Using a visual tool called the Talentarium, Manja demonstrated how coretalents work, and then helped me create a visual profile using cards. With this palette, we examined my current work: which coretalents are being utilized and which are not yet. What tasks am I doing that don’t really align with my coretalents, thus costing more energy than they provide? And what should I pay attention to in future assignments or roles? It was very insightful and helpful! With this palette in hand, I can now make more focused and informed choices.
Working with Manja is a pleasure. She listens and observes attentively. She explains clearly and patiently. She connects the coretalents to each other and consistently translates them back to my questions and situation. Thank you!
creative writing teacher, NL
I had a coretalents analysis hoping to gain more insight into the reasons behind a previous bore-out and why no job, no matter how suitable it seemed at first, could hold my interest for long.
I had a wonderful conversation with Manja, where I felt I could be open without being judged. The analysis led to greater self-awareness; it finally seems like the pieces of my life's puzzle are coming together. I'm looking forward to applying all my strong coretalents in my life and new job. I'm also planning to start a childhood hobby again after 20 years. I don't even know why I stopped in the first place! ;-)
Suzanne, NL
I experienced the journey with Manja as a celebration, and I'm very glad I gifted this to myself. Manja has a wonderfully inviting energy that makes it easy to share your story. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience without being showy about it. As a result, I gained many additional insights, a lovely depth, and numerous "aha!" moments. Manja is genuinely interested in who you are and seamlessly connects with your own experiences. It's a lifelong investment! :-)
Koen Rijks
Manager sociaal domein, NL
Before I did the coretalents analysis, my surroundings primarily recognized me for my musical talents as a conductor, which stemmed from my childhood. However, deep down, I felt that rehearsing with others wasn't where I drew my energy from. I sensed that my strongest talent lay in a different area. But something held me back from pursuing it. So, I kept going through the motions—music project here, music project there. Everyone was satisfied, but I didn't feel fulfilled.
I chose to do a coretalents analysis because the explanation resonated with me. Especially the statement: “as a creatively gifted person, you can do a lot, but that doesn’t mean you enjoy everything.” That’s exactly how I feel. I’m good at making others happy and achieving good results, earning a decent living from it. But it doesn’t bring me joy. That's why I became curious about the core talents analysis. What did I enjoy as a child?
I hoped for a kind of confirmation of what I intuitively knew: that I am a concept developer at heart. And that confirmation came. Music is one of my core talents, but it’s not my top score. That lies in concept development—turning good ideas into reality and creating methods for the cultural and natural sectors. I previously didn’t allow myself to invest much time in that. Now I do. So, what the core talents analysis brought me was space for myself.
Entrepreneur in the cultural sector, NL
It’s wonderful that Manja listens to and engages with the stories from my childhood so enthusiastically, then reflects them back in a beautiful overview of my coretalents. I felt understood and seen. With her interest, humor, and acknowledgment of my talents, she highlights exactly where I should focus and which pitfalls are worth keeping an eye on. This is extremely valuable.
Nurse specialist, mental health care and more, NL
Manja ensured with great calmness that I stayed focused with my answers. The report and her explanations were very clarifying. I clearly saw where my energy drainers are. The report serves as a wonderful guide to help you understand yourself (even) better. Highly recommended!
Artist, NL
It was a delight to dive back into childhood and let various memories resurface. Manja excelled at listening and asking probing questions, allowing for tangents and side trips, yet she always managed to bring it back to the core, seeing the connections and the bigger picture amidst the multitude. Impressive.
At the end, we had time to list all my coretalents and map them out, showing how they relate to each other. This provided great insight into what energizes me and what drains my energy. She summarized this in a compact report, which she provided afterward.
Overall, this gave me many tools to reflect on how I organize my life, what works for me and what doesn’t, and a new framework that can support me in making clearer choices.
I could have really benefited from this earlier in my life, and I wish this clarity, which can be gained with Manja's help, especially for those who are still searching in their lives and careers, whether at the beginning or in the midst of reorientation.
Illustrator and writer, NL
What naturally motivates me? This question thrives on experiencing 'a thousand and exponentially more' possibilities, accompanied by a cognitively positive feeling about what would suit me.
With Manja, I traveled back in time to explore the seeds of fundamental possibilities. It was a pleasant journey where she, through insightful questioning, created gentle and meaningful conditions to truly reach those seeds and feel the original positive energy.
Even when I felt that the method didn't fully encompass my reality, Manja kept me 'engaged' by observing from a broader perspective and rotating through various viewpoints. During the feedback session, I felt a valuable organization emerging. That feels energizing, and it brings me joy. Thank you, Manja!"
Logistics Manager, NL
Feel free to message me if you have any questions or would like to schedule a no-obligation dicoverycall. I look forward to hearing from you.
If you’d like me to contact you by phone, please leave your phone number as well.
Warm regards,
Manja Eland